
Excursions are very important as well as memorable part of college life. Educational trips not only complete university syllabus but also built up leadership, friendship among students and grow up attentiveness of them  to this subject. The Zoology Department of our college successfully organize excursions every year. As per Calcutta University  syllabus this department arrange their educational trip to Zoological Garden and Indian Museum for 1st year Zoology General students and 2nd year Zoology General students respectively. There students can enrich their knowledge about animal diversity,  Zoological Fossils, Evolution of human being etc. under the guidance of departmental Professors. Regarding the 3rd year university syllabus we have to cover any two areas among Fishery, Poultry farm, apiary, sericulture unit, biodiversity study and National Parks or Sanctuaries. In 2012 , a successful trip was arranged to Digha. Digha  museum & Digha Mohana gave us a lot of opportunity to study fish Biodiversity. The very well known ‘Shankar fish’(Trygon sp. ),Hermit Crabs, Eels, different types of prawns & varities of crabs we found there. We also made a visit to ‘ Contai Golden Hatchery’. The commercial well known product of this hatchery in the market is named as “Total Chicken”.It was really an amazing trip as we had a lot to learn from this trip. In 2013 & 2014 we brought a change in our excursion destination. In these years we went to Badu to visit “Suchandra fish farm” and the two snake gardens of Mr. Dipak Mitra and Mr. Ramprasad Mitra. Our Students got the opportunity to handle a snake- “Red sand Boa (tutur)” under the supervision of Mr. Ramprasad Mitra-the owner of the snake garden. Mr.Mitra’s demonstration was very interesting and informative. We learned many unknown facts about snakes. In ‘Suchandra Fish Farm’ , the owner Mr. Sunil Ghosh gave us demonstration about Induced Breeding, Preparation of pond & more. We also saw the fish capturing process there. And finally this year we arranged a very beautiful trip to ‘State Poultry Farm, Tollygunj’ and ‘Nuner Bheri, chingrighata’.The Poultry farm is well organised with the production of Quail, Turkey and Two Layer Breeds of Chicken (Rhode Island Red & Black Australorp). We visited the egg keeping house and egg rearing house and had a direct experience to see incubation and hatching of eggs which has enriched the  practical knowledge of our students. We feel very glad when we see that every year those successfull trips make our students joyful & enlightetened them with many unknown important facts of Zoology…