Statutory Declaration u/s 4(1)(B) of RTI Act 2005

Citizens can seek information regarding the activities and governance of the college by submitting a written and duly signed application to the State Public Information Officer, St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College, 33/1 Raja Rammohan Roy Sarani, Kolkata – 700009 with details like name, address, contact number, aadhar card number, particulars of information sought in details with a fee of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) by a Postal order or DD (Demand draft) or a bankers’ cheque, payable to the Teacher-in-charge, St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College. For online RTI applications, the payment of RTI Fees needs to be made online only. 
However, the Citizens belonging to Below Poverty Line Category may seek exemption from payment of RTI fees duly producing the proof of BPL Category. Copies of documents will be charged according to the rate fixed by the State Information Commission, West Bengal.

Officers as per RTI Act, 2005
NameDesignationE-mail IDPhone No.
Dr. Sudipta MiddayTeacher–in–Charge (Appellate Authority)ticspcmc@gmail.com033 – 2350 0182
Mr. Binayak BhattacharyaVice–Principal (State Public Information Officer)vpspcmc@gmail.com033 – 2350 0182

Organogram of the College